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We at Ferrara Shipping B.V. conduct business in compliance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. The SDGs, which have specific goals, are designed to prevent poverty and hunger, provide access to jobs, health care, education, and justice, and foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth all the while preserving the environment and safeguarding our planet.
In line with these SDGs, ENVIRONMENTAL, STAKEHOLDERS and PEOPLE are the three main pillars that warrant and support a sustainable future for Ferrara Shipping B.V :
- Environmental (in particular, SDGs 12 and 14);
- Stakeholders (in particular, SDG 17);
- People (in particular, SDGs 3 and 4).
Ferrara Shipping B.V has published a Modern Slavery Statement as a response to the UK Modern Slavery Act. It sets out the steps Ferrara Shipping B.V has taken to prevent acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring in its business and supply chain. We are committed to protecting the environment and reducing our environmental footprint, in line with the industry’s Road-to-Zero strategy.
There can never be too many accidents. At Ferrara Shipping B.V., we firmly think that, by banding together, we can establish a workplace free from incidents, where each of us may safely and healthily return from work to the people we love the most. Our goal is to create safe environments on our ships and in our offices. This is in a field that is by its very nature hazardous, and we are constantly surrounded by dangers. Following each incident, we look into what went wrong and what needs to be done to keep it from happening again.
We think that by pooling our collective knowledge, we can avert all major incidents. We need to actively target behavior and implement safe working practices if we want to keep moving in the direction of a safer workplace. We have ongoing work to do in this area because we need to continuously enhance our performance in terms of safety. Our consciousness must shift and adapt as our surroundings do. We encourage everyone to work toward the development of a culture in which working safely is the norm and doing so is viewed as unacceptable.
At Ferrara Shipping B.V., we completely support this long-term process of cultural transformation and demand full support from both management and staff. Since 2013, our esteemed Leaders in Safety (LiS) program has operated with great success. We are witnessing that mishaps can be avoided with more engagement and awareness of safety. The QHSE figures, which show a sharp decline in incidents over the past few years, attest to the effectiveness of our LiS program.
Environmental Protection Policy
The most important idea in today's world is unquestionably environmental sustainability: creating an economy that can maintain itself forever is the biggest task. The task of addressing today's requirements without sacrificing the capacity of future generations to meet their own demands raises important issues related to the environment, society, economy, and business.
Protecting the environment is our top ethical duty, a key strategic objective, and a crucial component of our present and future activities.
Ferrara Shipping B.V. is devoted to using environmental preservation as a means of implementing an effective risk management plan. Ferrara Shipping B.V. has created and implemented an environmental management system across the whole company in keeping with this steadfast commitment. In order to achieve an effective risk management approach, this Environmental Management System was built using a variety of safety measures and their reinforcement through testing and exercises. Ferrara Shipping B.V. dedicates all of its resources and experience to enhancing maritime safety through the close implementation of industry initiatives like Clean Power for Transport with Alternative Fuel Strategies and the EU's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, Ferrara Shipping B.V. has put in place protocols to oversee and manage those elements in compliance with ISO 14001:2004.